Thursday, 1 March 2012

You put your whole self in...

Still busy at the moment with the Planning Round - the annual exercise where we all set out our targets and strategies..  I posted last week that we had draft planning statement, which sits above our operational plans, and that we would be taking it out to the five faculties so that we can make sure we're responding to what they want to do, and that they're aware of ours. We've had three meetings so far, two more to go next week, then we can work on the final plan. Alongside this we're working on our financial forecasts for next year and our projected out-turn for this.  It's certainly keeping us busy!

Today I had an interesting discussion about our departmental use of social media. We have a Twitter account and a Facebook page, which are both becoming increasingly popular, and we're obviously reviewing and learning from what we do. Today we were chatting about how we capture faults, problems, issues etc reported though social media so that we don't lose the information, and it's included in our logging and reporting mechanisms. We also talked about how to balance the informative nature of our tweets, ie communicating with our customers, and the internal "chat" that sometimes happens. I think sometimes people forget that @CiCS is actually a person, and not a generic account! 

Finally, tonight I walked back from  meeting to my office, to find a coupe of hundred students doing the Okey-Kokey (is that how you spell it?) on the concourse - presumably to celebrate the end of the elections for the new student sabbatical officers. It was a great sight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happens every year. Tis a Union tradition.