Tuesday 10 June 2014

Up, up in the sky...

One of the JISC projects I've been really pleased to be involved in has been the Summer of Student Innovation - I've posted about it a number of times, and the scheme is now closed. The ideas have been submitted, and the votes cast. They are all on the JISC Elevator site here - you can have a look, but can't now vote. I've spent a lot of time over the last few days scoring them in preparation for choosing which will be funded. It's been really good fun - I'm amazed at the inventiveness of the students, and also the professionalism with which they produced the videos pitching their ideas.  Watch this space for an announcement in the next couple of weeks about the successful ones. And then for the students chosen, the work really starts as they have to develop their idea ready for a showcase at the end of the summer.

In other news, there was a fantastically bright pass of the International Space Station tonight. Still fills me with awe when I see it. There's a really good app I use to track it and forecast passes (ISS Spotter), and then if its not very bright you can use SkyView Free to see it pass pver. As well as impressing all of your friends by knowing the names of ll of the stars and planets you can see. Saturn was particularly impressive tonight. Must get a telescope. Although I think I got a pretty good picture with my iPhone!

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