Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Summer of Student Innovation, part 2

I wrote recently about the JISC Co-design process where as one of the innovation projects, we asked students to submit ideas to win funding to develop them, and I'm in the middle of marking them. It's a really difficult task as many of them are excellent ideas. This project obviously caught the imagination of students - the hashtag #studentideas was consistently the hottest topic on the JISC twitter stream for the duration of the project, and the ideas got 6,200 votes, 98% of which were unique.
Despite the short timescales, and it overlapping with exams, we had a great response, and 33 projects passed the voting threshold to go forward to the next stage. You can see them here.

The concept of crowdsourcing ideas was discussed this morning at a webinar I took part in for the whole process, and maybe if this happens again next year we'll involve some different groups as well as students.

The next stage in the project is to look at the concept of The Digital Student - what are student requirements as they enter University? Students are entering university with very different expectations and requirements for a digital experience than past students or university staff. This is driven by developments in mobile technology and by web trends. Universities may need help in establishing a detailed understanding of these requirements to enable them to tweak or reimagine the services they offer.


Anonymous said...

Chris, the wording of this post is a bit incoherent...

Unknown said...

hmm, thanks - something has clearly happened to it, as it wasn't when I first published it! Will edit.....