Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Liaison, social media and lightning blogging

We've started our round of strategic liaison meetings with Faculties, and have met Arts and Engineering in the past couple of days. Lots to talk about - we shared our plans for more mobile apps and mobile web developments, our upcoming review of our student system, and the work we're doing on process improvement and the establishment of our new unit. Both faculties had plenty of ideas for processes which can be improved!. Also from both, a big item was a desire to work closer together, to improve the collaboration and communication between us and the academic areas - to reduce duplication of effort and make better use of the skills that many IT staff in departments have.

Yesterday I visited one of our legal partners in the city to discuss a workshop they're giving to senior managers next week on Social Media.  I wanted to make sure they struck the right balance - I don't want them to put anyone off using it, but just educate people on the possible pitfalls and employment issues. They were interested in the fact that we don't have a particular social media policy - we expect our existing policies on thing like harassment, bullying and bringing the University into disrepute, and our values including respect for our colleagues, to cover all behaviour, no matter what media is used.  It could be an interesting session!

Other things discussed so far this week include our staffing budget for next year, the internal audit plan and our response to a recent IiP assessment. And I've done some interviews. Tomorrow I'm off to a conference, the Guardian Activate Summit - it's got an interesting format. All sessions are short - no more than 20 minutes, and with a couple of lightning presentations of 4 * 5 minute case studies. Will try and blog live from it - if I can keep up!

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