Wednesday, 22 February 2012


We're busy planning this week - we're right in the middle of the planning round, and producing our plan for next year, as well as having a look a back at what we've achieved from last year's objectives.  Then we take our plan and go out and meet all of the Faculties, talk to them about theirs, and refine our if necessary. Lots of good stuff in it so far including implementing our eLearning strategy, refreshing our Research Support strategy, developing further our mobile and web strategies and completing a number of projects with impenetrable acronyms (HEAR, SHIP, DARE, KIS). Lots more, and I'll publish bits of it when completed.

Also this week we've been looking at a possible structure for a Programme Board to pull together some of the projects associated with the utilisation of resources, particularly teaching space, such as Common Timetabling and other data related projects including those looking at how we handle programme regulations. Accurate, timely data is a key prequisite for many other processes, including timetabling.

Yesterday it was a UEB/HoDS meeting, where the Heads of Academic Departments, the Directors of Professional Services and the University Executive Board get together. A key part of the meeting yesterday looked at the purpose of the meeting,  what topics we might discuss in future, and how meeting s might be facilitated.  Interesting round table discussions, with the key point being that this is one of the few times these three sets of people get together, and the time should be used as interactively as possible, to hear others opinions, to generate ideas, and to bridge any gulf between the academic community and professional services.

Setting off later for an awayday of RUGIT - the Russell group of IT Directors where we'll be discussing topics including Innovation, VLEs and beyond, Governance and Organisation, and getting an update on what's happening in JISC.  All good stuff. Blogposts will follow!

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