Wednesday, 18 June 2008

The Student Experience

Spent a lot of time today doing some preparation for some work we're doing on a strategic look at how the Professional Services support different areas of the University. Next week we're looking at the student experience - in a bid to get away from any silo mentality, we're getting together to look at how we can work together and with the new Faculties to improve the student experience and how we can add value.

Today we looked at the areas where we as a department contribute to the student experience - it's wide ranging and in many cases done in conjunction with other departments.

We provide (and in most cases write) the systems that handle the students from the minute they think they might want a prospectus and look at our web site, to finding the on-line prospectus, CRM to manage their interactions with the University, allocating their accommodation, registering and choosing their modules on line, scheduling exams, getting their exam results through the assessments system, allocating them to degree ceremonies and printing their degree certificates, collecting their careers information and then keeping them in touch with the university via an alumni directory.

We give them a computer account, filestore, and an email address, and give them access to everything though a portal including self service systems and access to electronic resources

We provide a managed desktop with over 200 pieces of software, printing and scanning facilities. and an on-line learning environment.

We support their own laptops and machines - whatever platform and operating system they have, and keep them free of viruses and spyware. We give advice and support on privacy and security.

We timetable teaching space, allocate rooms to lectures and provide AV and IT infrastructure in them. We provide and support learning spaces including the Information Commons and student computing rooms. The Drama Studio is a place where students can learn how to use a real theatre and put on productions. We manage the Octagon Centre - a place where concerts, music nights and other events are run.

We provide a network in the student residences, IPTV and a wireless network across campus.

We give advice and support on the use of new technologies and facilitate innovative teaching and communication methods.

Not a complete list - I could go on - let me know what I've missed! And some still say that CIT isn't strategic to the institution.....

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