Tuesday 22 April 2008


One of the more interesting meetings I’m involved in is the Estates Strategy Advisory Group – we had a longish meeting yesterday discussing priorities for capital projects in the University. Lots of interesting developments on the cards, as well as some major maintenance projects. When they’ve finally been approved and I can release details, I’ll let you know.

A couple of major building projects are really coming on – the Jessop West development to house English, History and Modern Languages has a lot of its green and blue cladding on – the wing yet to be clad will be red, and I’m told it will look spectacular. The original Jessop is being refurbished for Music, and practice rooms will be in the new Soundhouse on Gell St which has also started having its rubber cladding put on. These building projects have a major impact on us, as we have to design and oversee the voice and data networks in them, usually up against tight deadlines. We are upgrading our telephone switch at the moment so that we can use Voice Over IP (VOIP) – basically running the phones over the data network, so new buildings will only have one set of cables instead of two.

On my way to Oxford at the moment for a UCISA Planning Meeting, a Conference Organising Meeting, and a Communications meeting, so it will be a busy 2 days.

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