Tuesday 19 March 2013

Talks, web apps and birds.

The talks from UCISA last week are all now available to view here.  I would particularly recommend the last four - Idea Street, Digital by Default, the view from the BBC, and Mark Ormrod.
All excellent.

Since I got back from the conference there's been a lot of catching up to do, emails and face to face meetings with a number of colleagues. Today we had an interesting demo from Jadu on a couple of their products. The first, WeeJot is a platform for developing mobile web apps, and looked simple enough for me to use.  The app studio had a number of templates for pulling in content from various sources including RSS feeds, maps, social media, web pages etc.  I might apply  for a developer account and have a go - which would be a first :-)

The second product was their search and portal engine, Rupa, which amongst other things is a presentation layer for the Google search appliance.
Of course these were just preliminary looks, and we shall have to see how they fit with our mobile and search strategies and discuss further, but I was impressed with the presentation of both.

I'll leave you with a picture of one of our Peregrine Falcons, taken just a couple of minutes ago.

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