I found a copy of our first report - published in 1998, a summary of what we'd achieved over the previous two years, and our plans for the future. Very interesting reading! Our aims and objectives don't look that much different, and included:
- Develop and manage the network infrastructure to provide reliable and highly functional connectivity
- Support the development of innovative approaches to course delivery and the technologies needed to deliver on-line learning materials
- Provide services to users of all platforms
- Cultivate and develop relationships and collaborations with all departments
- Produce detailed plans for disaster protection and recovery
- Provide informative and prompt user support
Learning and Teaching
- the delivery of multimedia to all desktops
- encouraging and supporting student-led computing including student ownership of machines
- encouraging the use of national supercomputing facilities
Administrative Computing
- ensure systems are year 2000 compliant (!)
- implement a new HR and payroll system
Some things leap out at you - we thought it was a good idea to include pictures of CDRoms and servers in it:
And at the back we included a series of graphs showing fileserver failures!
The number of concurrent daily log-ins in March 2008 was 2500 - now we have almost 6000 concurrent log-ins to the wireless service!
Finally, I was taken with the closing paragraphs in my introduction, and how much of it could have been written today:
Look at those phrases:
rapidly changing IT...
networked learning strategy (now eLearning)...
network upgrade...
new desktop....
extra resources...
hard decisions....
reallocation of resources....
Some things don't change much!
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