Tuesday 15 January 2008

Living in fear of 1996

I read lots of blogs. Some related to work, most aren't. One I read fairly regularly is Diamond Geezer. I liked this post, particularly in the light of recent discussions we've been having about communication. Those of us who were working in IT back in 1996 may have to substitute an earlier date, but the sentiment is the same.

Now I'm going to watch Steve Jobs (CEO of Apple) give his keynote address at Macworld to see what exciting things Apple are launching. Not sure anything will top last year's iPhone, but who knows!

Edit - as widely expected, he launched the MacBook Air - the world's thinnest laptop.


Anonymous said...

Have you considered that maybe only 31% of men find ANY form of communication useful?

Seriously though - a good take-up of anything, including the blog, probably does require someone to keep banging on about it. Our culture says "I've said it once, what more can I do?"

Brennig said...

There's a PhD thesis waiting to be written (already done?) on the mechanisms necessary to ensure the successful take-up of a new information product.

Blogs (the success or lack thereof) are surely governed by a mix (possibly 60/40) of the quality and the quantity of the output?

The ones I read come in themes:

The technoblogs I read at ZDNET are brilliantly informative but tiresomely heavy - 'small bite' rather than 'big feast' material.

Geeky blogs tend to be funny in a finger-jabbing way but usually get their technopoint over without being relentless.

Funny blogs (little.red.boat) are witty , intelligent.

I'm not keen on the rise of the Fiskingblogs though Craig Murray's is worth a read.

My point here is that a successful quality/quantity balance is what distinguishes wheat from the chaff, particularly in a society where the phrase 'freedom of information' is growing to include 'freedom to produce information'.

Oh dear. I seem to have overstepped the mark. Sorry.

Unknown said...

Brennig - you certainly haven't overstepped the mark. I read loads of blogs, like you, of many different kinds - most for amusement. Interestingly your links contain some of the blogs I read regularly, including petite, rachel and littleredboat. This blog was an experiment, to see if I could keep it up for one and to see if anyone would be interested in it! I made a decision to keep it deliberately work related, but find that increasingly difficult to do.However, it does seem to have a regular readership within my department and the University, as well as a few from outside. I shall keep going, and see how it develops.