Thursday 18 August 2011

ICE - watch this space.

Some interesting meetings this week - am involved in a design team for a new building which will incorporate some exciting  new learning space, and it's being designed by the same architects  that gave us the Information Commons. Really great to be involved in a new building again. Will give more details as soon as I can - code name is ICE - watch this space!

Also been involved in discussions about major improvements we're making to our teaching space  - several million pounds being spent over the next 3 years to really make a difference to the facilities we have. Not just a lick of paint, but major design improvements, new AV and display facilities and better wireless provision.

Hopefully that will mean the students have a better experience with us, but I wonder if it will improve our score in the NSS (National Student Survey), the results of which have just been published. The questions on academic services are fairly meaningless, especially when it come to IT. The sole question is about accessing general IT facilities. I wonder what students think general IT facilities are, and there are no questions about the quality of services. Peter Tinson has just written a good blog post about it which sums up the situation well.

Now I'm taking  a break for a few days again - off to Whitby Folk Week. While I'm away the A level results will be released, so good luck to anyone getting them, and also good luck to the team who will be dealing with the thousands of phone calls we'll get over the next few days.

1 comment:

Andrew Stewart said...

Hi Christine, you might have seen it in the past but our resource on technology enhanced learning environments might be of use.

There's also a gallery of example spaces and a set of related case studies available. If you do use the resource any comments would be greatly appreciated!