Friday, 9 April 2010

To infinity and beyond.....

A couple of days ago I published an extract from our planning statement giving our achievements for last year. We also had to include our objectives for 2010 and beyond (I couldn't help myself when this was being drafted in changing this to infinity and beyond - and then had to remember to change it all back before submission....).

Just so you're all up to date with what we're doing now (I know you're all interested), here they are:

Learning and Teaching

Strategy: to improve the quality of teaching space and to maximise its usage; to introduce systems and services that support innovative teaching; and to realise our commitment to provide the best possible learning experience for students.

Objectives 2010 and beyond:

Bring together all the functions associated with teaching space into one place.

Ensure that learning spaces are being used as efficiently as possible

Ensure suitable technology is available in all learning and teaching spaces

Provide training and awareness sessions to support staff using innovative spaces and technology

Investigate, evaluate and develop the use of innovative technologies for teaching and learning

Implement a new portal and provide new and improved services via this route

Revise and update the managed PC service to allow remote access to applications

Implement a new version of MOLE (my on-line learning environment)


Strategy: to increase support for researchers; to facilitate improved collaboration; and to increase our support for both technical and non-technical researchers.

Objectives 2010 and beyond:

Implement new research support strategy

Respond to need for cheaper storage

Pursue appointment of research co-ordinator and improve liaison with research community

Work with groups seeking procurement of new super HPC

Communication and Collaboration

Strategy: to improve the resilience of the communication infrastructure; and to introduce new technology and services to ensure that staff and students had access to the widest range of cutting edge collaboration and communication tools.

Objectives 2010 and beyond:

Promote and support uSpace

Investigate and implement options for staff email/calendaring

Extend support for mobile devices

Improve integration of collaboration services with other services

Improve experience of CMS for web content editors

Build on to the voice network upgrade and investigate unified communications, use of text messaging and voice interactive services.

Help and Support

Strategy: to improve access to our help and support by providing self-service and remote access facilities; to work more closely with those who provide IT support within the faculties; and to better target our training.

For 2010 and beyond:

Develop and expand access to support and service through ‘self-service’ and the use of remote support

Liaise with all faculties to determine their training requirements for their staff

Improve induction to CiCS services to raise awareness, uptake and effectiveness of our services

Explore integration of different card based services onto the UCard


Strategy: to improve the resilience of key services; to increase data storage capacity; and to improve environmental management.

For 2010 and beyond:

Review file, print and directory strategies

Continue to increase resilience and flexibility of server provision and the voice and data network

Create and start to implement a strategy for the extension of the wireless network

Plan and implement formal backup strategy

Continue to seek reductions in energy usage, in particular plan for cooling upgrade in main data centre

Review Identity Management system

Corporate Information

Strategy: to make information available to new devices and in new formats; and to change existing systems to meet external requirements and to comply with legislation.

For 2010 and beyond:

Comply with requirements of UKBA, UCAS, REF, HEFCE, HESA

Upgrade SAP for technical and functional improvements

Implement technology strategy and increase integration of services with MUSE and MOLE

Implement an Enquirer & Applicant Portal to help recruitment

Scanning and Student eFile projects: saving paper, improved and more efficient processes

Business Activity

Strategy: to project manage the efficient introduction of new services; to improve the environmental impact of printing; and to invest in the business units to offer the highest quality services in a competitive market.

For 2010 and beyond:

Move to a Portfolio Management approach for CiCS developments, dealing with all our developments not just formal projects and integrating with Services and departmental and institutional strategies.

Develop a coherent and effective methodology for business process improvement

Reduce the environmental impact and cost of printing within the University including implementing the PASS project (Print Audit and Submission Software)

Maximise the Octagon revenue generation and continue a programme of refurbishments.

Trial a common approach to timetabling, deliver personalised staff and student timetables and provide a basis for the provision and recording of student attendance.

Overarching Objectives

In addition to the seven service areas listed above, there are a number of overarching and departmental objectives:

Improve the user’s experience of our services through the introduction of service management, understanding the needs of our users, and better communicating what we do.

Develop our staff by continuing to invest in our Management Development Programme, documenting and developing good practice; and ensuring that we focus on key services.

Ensure our services are appropriately secure, resilient and robust – further develop CICS’ Business Continuity capability, develop and lead on University Business Continuity capability, improve University Information Security policy and processes.

Continue to innovate and support the university to work more effectively and efficiently

Reduce the environmental impact of our activities


Andy A said...

Thanks Christine - good to see what you're up to. A great set of objectives - will be interested to see how many you meet.

Stuart B said...

I'm very interested, but then I should be. Looks like you have pulled together the Service Catalogue and the operational plans - nice and concise - Let's get on and do it

Anonymous said...

Loved the talk you gave today at SROC and thanks for introducing us to your blog - very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, very interesting set of objectives, do you know of any other university IT/IS departments make their objectives available?

One specific question - Is MOLE a bespoke learning platform or customised WebCT Vista? If the latter what's the new version given Blackboards product strategy?

Thank you.

Unknown said...

Hi. Not sure if other's make their objectives available - might have a quick trawl round web sites, but I sort of doubt it....

And MOLE (My on-line learning environment) is currently WebCT Vista, moving to Blackboard 9 from this summer.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Chris,

I don't think they do (at least not in such a useful manner!). Thanks also for the answer on MOLE, good luck with the BB9 move. Hosted solution?