First session today is about wearable devices. Quick audience poll shows that quite a few of us are wearing a fitness band, there's also two people wearing Google glass.
Wearable devices are the next major technology cycle. Hands free, always connected, environment aware. They can go anywhere on the body, including being tattooed on the skin. On bands, on belts, in jewellery.
Google glass has had most publicity, but very few around.
Some examples of wearable technology:
Meta 3D glasses, true augmented holographic reality glasses available later this year. Wired to a small pocket computer that handles processing.
The connected and monitored body. Wearables are collecting vast range of data related to health, could have huge implications. Our sixth sense is going to be digital.
Some of them being highly designed as fashion statements, such as misfit shine.
Lechal shoes connect to a users smartphone via Bluetooth to ascertain your current location and destination. They vibrate when you need to change direction.
Wearables can also track our brainwaves. Muse is a brain sensing headband. Has six sensors on it and tracks brainwaves which are then sent to a tablet. Analyses how calm or active you are.
Narrative clip life logging camera. Incredibly small, takes a time stamped geotagged photo every 30 seconds. No on/off switch, 2 day battery life
Oculus rift, virtual reality head mounted display, 1920x 1080 resolution. The tethered to a computer, designed as an in expensive gaming device.
Wearables in the learning environment
UC Irvine School of Medicine using Google glass in labs, theatres, emergency rooms.
Other universities using them in architecture classes, journalism courses and other field studies.
Also if you wear them for prolonged periods you collect a lot of feedback on your behaviour
Can use wearable technology in teaching for:
Field trips
Online teaching
Mentors, coaching sessions
Language instruction
Feedback and evaluation
Real,time search and reference
Provide accessibility for visual, auditory and physical
Interactive problem solving games
Types of sensors available currently include:
Acceleration, vibration
Acoustic, ultrasonic
Chemical, gas
Electric, magnetic flow
Force, load
Humidity, moisture
Machine vision
Motion, velocity
Position, presence
Augmented reality, the overlay of information on the world as we see it. History pin project, can use smart phone to see London as it was in 19th century. Will be able to do with Glass, eventually anywhere.
Virtual reality, new forms of sensory experience. Reality cave is a 3D immersive environment.
Wearable challenges:
Biggest one is battery life. Has to improve. Lots of Ashdod solutions currently for Glass, including battery in a head strap.
Social acceptance, Glass prohibited in some areas. Will change as become more available
Fashion and design
Some impact of wearables
Tidal wave of data and images. 10% of all photos ever taken were taken last year.
We share 1.8billion photos daily.
Privacy. What is public, what is private.
Will our technology read us? Analyse our brainwaves and anticipate what we want to do.
User interfaces. In the future, the limiting factor will be us.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad